Everyday makeup tips
Ever wonder how professional makeup artists make it look like they’re spending their entire career on the craft? They do it all day long – for each project, in and out of the office! It’s no wonder that so many people say they want to get a beauty professional makeup artist. But it never seems as though they don’t have enough time to create makeup artistry that lasts. In fact, I believe that there are professionals who can keep up with the demands of being a successful fashion model or actress, but most regular folks just can’t. So what do we do?! You guessed it- we got you covered! And this is where makeup tips come into play! With these simple tips, no one would ever have to sacrifice great makeup results. Even the best makeup artistry can only be accomplished through practice from a dedicated makeup artist. Here's how professionals can help us achieve incredible results. Here are some of the top makeup tips.

Do Not Use Any Of These Commonly Used Paints
Paint has a bad reputation due to its highly toxic fumes that cause breathing problems and skin cancer. All forms of paints are made of synthetic products, leaving our bodies exposed to harsh chemicals. While using any type of paint is fine, avoid using anything other than foundation brushes. Pick brushes made specifically for liquid foundation brushes (the ones used by professional artists) as well. This way your brush won’t only produce quality brushes.
Use A Foundation Brush Made For Liquid Foundation Brushes
Some brushes are made specifically for liquid foundation brushes, however, others may not be. The reason why brushes aren't quite liquid foundation brushes is because brushes are often designed without a cap and are usually dry. Because brushes are dry, your foundation brushes won't always provide you with a consistent finish and it's important to use brushes that are made for liquids. One of my favorite brushes made specifically for liquid foundation brushes is Charlotte Tilbury brushes, which are amazing brushes. If brushes aren't available from them, try using the brushes I mentioned above.

The Most Important Tip For Beginners Who Want To Become Professionals
If you're still not 100% sure about how best to start using makeup brushes, here's an easy tip. Take it upon yourself to test brushes out first with a small brush. Next, make sure that the brush is set at 80,000 feet and at a 140,000 foot pressure as per Charlotte Tilbury Brush Set. Doing this keeps brushes perfectly happy at both of those heights and also ensures you achieve the best possible finish. Plus, if brushes aren't tested properly, brushes can end up causing more damage through use than by properly drying. Don't go overboard though; most brushes are rated at a 130,000 foot. Otherwise, take up to 2 brushes each week before you move onto larger brushes. Also, when brushing your face, brush from the under eye area, which may need extra attention during application. The main focus should actually be on your eyebrows. Check the size and shape of your eyebrows before you brush them. Your big brows may end up looking like two pencils. However, they are completely worth it because that’s exactly how you want to keep your eyes looking flawless. Lastly, remember, brushes are meant to handle liquids that can cause irritation. Make sure you always cover brushes with water when brushing your face to prevent burning and redness. Also, use a wide angled brush with good balance. Using brushes that have different lengths and widths helps ensure you are blending smoothly.

Always Apply High Volume Toner Eyebrowes Before Trying Anything Else
No matter how much we love going back and forth between light and dark shades when blending and creating a product, sometimes a little overkill is needed. Sometimes, we have to hit "on" light shades, knowing that dark tones are always lurking behind the light ones and that shadows are still necessary for making the right choices in blending light and dark shades, especially when the contrast is high. As such, apply your highest volume toner shades before starting to experiment with lighter shades. This could mean the difference between finding success and having a fantastic time! Try something interesting, like putting a green tint in addition to lighter shades. Or maybe use a different kind of pigment to blend shades together before going heavy on dark tones. I recommend trying something new every once in awhile. What’s yours? Let me know! :)

All About Contouring
One of the biggest things any makeup artist should understand about themselves is the importance of contorting, especially the idea of contorting yourself. Being able to contort your face and even put your features in your best light and shadow palettes is crucial. Some types of makeup artist are very advanced in their ways of achieving smoothed-looking, flawless eye makeup. Others may simply use a single brush or liner brush in order to achieve that amazing effect. Either way, it's paramount that someone knows when to adjust the settings for that perfect vision and color makeup. Never go overboard with contorting either! Instead, let the brush handle the work!
If your lips seem overly puffy or droopy, then opt for a lip liner brush. Lip liner brushes are specifically made for lip liner brushes. Simply suck the air inside your mouth and let the brushes create light, fluffy strokes on your lips! It is also possible to use lipstick brushes in combination with lip liner brushes to increase your lip appeal and bring your face onto life with a little more glamour and style.
Use Eye Liners
When it comes to eyeshadow brushes, one of the options for anyone who wants to learn how to make beautiful eyelids and perfect, eye liners are very helpful! You simply need to select brushes with a large diameter brush suitable for filling crevices inside your eyes or getting rid of them entirely. Liners are useful because because they are less likely to cause irritation or cause flaking of the eyes and can provide a nice uniform shine for your eyes. Additionally, they are excellent for working in conjunction with brushes. Too many brushes may lead to excessive rubbing of lashes of lashes, which can result in scarring. Liners are ideal to keep lashes in the proper position and lessen any confusion between lashes and can also be worn separately for those cases with fluttering lashes.
If you are wondering how to find brushes like Charlotte Tilbury brushes, see my previous article, How to Find Professional brushes That Actually Work!